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melee is kind of working, they could use some company

De Officiele I LOVE TETTEN Alliance [ILT]
As you might have noticed, the english of the owner is not very good

that's because he's dutch, and some more dutch speaking fellows would be nice.

Wich doesn't meen we don't like th rest of you [Smilie: smile.gif]

The Goal of this alliance s not to become the number one, but to have fun.
a good rank would be nice, but we've got a real life to, so don't spend 10 hours a day on RoT ;)
Links Stats
we don't have a website yet. And i don't think we reall need it till we have some very active members Created 6293 days ago
Members 2
Rank 414
Alliance Size Rank 249
Average Member Rank 3,645
Rank of Average Member Ranks (rankety rank rank O_o) 469
Total Attack Force #269
Total Defense Force #273
Total Covert Force #273
Total Security Force #273
Member Rules
Be active

Be Mean

Be niet serieus

Get as much treasure chests as ya can

Don't attack members [Smilie: smile.gif]

Het hebben van de Nederlandse nationaliteit of het spreken en al dan niet begrijpen van onze taal is een pré, als even het houden van tetten natuurlijk van belang is.
Rules of Engagement
Everbody who's having trouble with mean old hairy guys who attack them and spy on them, TELL US AND WE"LL CRUSH 'EM

Our goal is to have some fun and a good rank would be nice [Smilie: smile.gif]

Auto accept members: Yes
Player Soldiers Rank in Alliance Role
#1,743 17,338,802 Humans #1 Normal Member
#5,547 16,162,759 Humans #2 Owner