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melee is kind of working, they could use some company

SnakesAlpha [SnAl]
Links Stats
Created 5988 days ago
Members 1
Rank 757
Alliance Size Rank 502
Average Member Rank 4,442
Rank of Average Member Ranks (rankety rank rank O_o) 342
Total Attack Force #695
Total Defense Force #695
Total Covert Force #695
Total Security Force #695
Member Rules
1. Don't attack any member, unless hes got TONS of money, and I mean tons, (for example more than

2. People who get attacked by another alliance member will report this attack to me and I will be the judge, if it matters I'll kick the attacking member, if it doesn't matter a lot, it will be left like nothing happened and None of those involved will not have anything against me or any other member of the clan.

3. This is not a command, is a request, that if you can please have this alliance as your main alliance so there will be no miss understandings.

4. Kick all taters, except for the ones our members have.
Rules of Engagement
1. We will mass, farm, and destroy any farmers. or other massers Join this alliance for protection, or if you want to have fun

2. Take advantage of every event that is occurring, especially the chest fest.
Auto accept members: Yes
Player Soldiers Rank in Alliance Role
#4,442 184,421,210 Humans #1 Owner